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Chloe Calmon

  • Nascimento


  • Cidade natal

    Rio do Janeiro, Brazil

Chloe grew up surrounded by the ocean.
Her father, a longtime surfer, was the one to introduce her to the water and the world of water sports.

She fell in love with the sport, finding great interest and challenge in surf’s ability to push her to overcome her limits. 

At 14, Chloe became a professional longboarder, joining the WSL Women’s Longboard Tour in 2010.

Four years later, she made it to the 3rd place in the GoPro World Longboard Championship, joining Kelia Moniz in the event’s top 3.

Since then, it’s been a constant elevation for Chloe who quickly made a name for herself as one of the best professional longboarders in the world. 2019 may well be the year for her, with two wins and one second place on the Tour thus far.


Favorite place to travel? Australia.

Best moment in your career? 2019 has been the best moment in my career...

Favorite things to do when you’re not riding? Travel, always! And quality time with my friends and family.

Fashion  essentials? White T-shirt, black skinny jeans, mom jeans and a good and stylish pair of sneakers.

Favorite moment with ROXY? Meeting new people and making new friends. I met ROXY longboarder Zoé Grospiron last year on a ROXY trip, and now we are best friends!